Sunday, May 07, 2006

Teddy Bear Blog from Brenda

Hi Meg!Thanks for your great session at the ECOO conference, I really enjoyed it!Here's an example of changing times in education. In the past I've done the global project from called the Teddy Bear Project with my primary students using email. This year, I tried to make it more collaborative and visual...a place to tell our story and reflect on it over the year. We spent until January posting with our friends from Australia and now continue to write about the travels of our koala bear.Check it out at:www.mrssherry.blogspot.comI presented it at the ECOO and primary teachers seemed to really like the idea!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

MAME Communication

Hello all!
Just a note, if you send me comment on the blog I can't email you back because the link is from anonymous blogger, not your email. So if you send me a post try and send me your email also!