Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Time to Start Blogging!

Well, I thought it was about time to jump in and give blogging a try. Over the past few months I have been researching how blogs can be used in the classroom to promote active learning. Time to jump in and try it myself, so I can share my experiences with other educators.
I see great power in communicating through blogs to reach a broader audience. Yet many educators I have talked with are afraid blogs will turn into nothing but rumor mills and sites for gossip. I will continue to research to see if this is happening.
I have put off starting a blog. One fear is I will not be able to keep up with my blog and keep it fresh. Another reason was I wanted to host my Blog on my own site www.techteachers.com but I tried repeatedly and I just don’t have the programming knowledge to pull this off. Another push back for me was my need for an editor. Publishing two books helped me to see the power of a good editor! It wasn’t until I read a blog (will search for the link) that blogging is more about the process of writing and not the final product.

So here I am with the thousands of other bloggers exploring, learning and experimenting with what a see as a powerful communication tool! More about blogging in education when I return!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

я так считаю: мне понравилось!! а82ч